List of WIP/Completed Projects (TV Series)

-Choriki Robo Galatt [WIP]
Episodes 19 out of 25 released so far.

-Sonic Soldier Borgman [WIP]
Episodes 27 out of 35 released so far.

-Getter Robo Go [WIP]
Episodes 30 out of 50 released so far. Currently working on a 2nd batch release.

-Magical Taruruuto-kun [Finished]
Collaboration with perevodildo.

 -Heart Cocktail Colorful [WIP]
Collaboration with DarkWispers & Orphan. Currently a work-in-progress.

-Tantei Monogatari [WIP]
Episodes 4 out of 27 released so far.

-Lightning Superman Gridman [WIP]
Episodes 5 out of 39 released so far.

-Tongari Boushi no Memole [WIP]
Collaboration with Inka Subs. Episode 7 out of 50 released so far.

-Gu Gu Ganmo [Partially Finished]
One-off project. Released a 16mm HD scan of Ep. 22 online with English subs in collaboration with Kineko Video.

-Mori no Tonto-tachi [Partially Finished]
One-off project. Released a 16mm HD scan of Ep. 19 with English subs in collaboration with Kineko Video.

-Anime Sanjuushi [Partially Finished]
One-off project. Released a 16mm HD scan of Ep. 16 with English subs in collaboration with Kineko Video.

-Zukkoke Knight: Don de la Mancha [Partially Finished]
One-off project. Released a 16mm HD scan of Ep. 09 with English subs in collaboration with Kineko Video.

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