Choriki Robo Galatt - Batch Torrent #2 (Episodes 1 ~ 14)
Here's the 2nd batch for my ongoing fansub of Choriki Robo Galatt.

Originally this was intended to contain only episodes 9 through 16, but considering how I had previously prepped up some other recent batches I put out for other shows (Borgman & Getter Robo Go), I decided to insert episodes 1 through 8 again. Also, 14 marks the end of a 4-part arc so I thought it would be more fitting to have the batch end at 14 instead of 16 as planned earlier.

Many fixes were made for this batch—when I say it's a lot, I mean it. I've been skimming through the earlier episodes I put first glance I saw they obviously needed an update, but turns out it was a lot worse than that LOL. With the help of Yume (thank you!!), a majority (but not all) of these episodes were hugely revamped. As it turns out, a lot of them were translated incorrectly...various "Keikaku = plan"-type TL notes have been removed as well—this was done by re-wording the lines to such an extent so that the TL notes didn't need to be there, and, well...for some other lines, looking back I personally don't think they needed a TL note to begin with, so I removed those myself.

Revamping aside...changes that I don't feel like making a list out of: lines were re-timed. Some lines I made small edits to, some I removed or combined together. Lines that were either three-liners or really long one-liners have been edited accordingly so that it's not such a pain to look at them on-screen. Made a small edit to the font I use for robot dialogue as well and tidied up the fansub credits list in each episode.

The following changes below, not sure if I could consider them to be "major" but they surely aren't minor in my eyes either. Here they are:

1. Fixed inconsistencies! There's a lot of them. Short list below:
Doctor Kiwi's catchphrase when he rides off with Silver—some episodes used "Heigh-ho", others "Hi-yo" or "High-ho". Sticking with "Heigh-ho"—on an unrelated note, it's seemingly supposed to be a reference to The Lone Ranger (especially with the robot being named Silver...)
Patty & Camille's mechas (Pattyge & Kamige, respectively) had different spellings on various occasions
The spelling of "Armoroboid" (the enemy mechas that the Space Syndicate sends to Earth)

2. There's a separate font I use for robot characters—I absolutely don't know why I never used this font for whenever Silver speaks (even if he rarely talks), so this has since then fixed.

3. I've now added fade in/fade out transition effects for the show's title name! Nothing too flashy but I think it looks better with it. Also used these same effects for episode titles that fade in, too.

4. Episode 12's next episode preview is supposed to say "Space Arc III" but I mistakenly used "II" instead, this is fixed now.

5. Episode 13: subbed the crowd's cheers after Patty lands in the pool

6. Episode 1: Jumbow's first-ever transformation. I wasn't a fan of how his lines conflicted with Michael's/Patty's/Kiwi's when they showed up on-screen, so I tried organizing this a bit.

7. Episode 2: The armoroboid in this episode gets featured on a news broadcast that Michael watches from home—previously I had left a portion of the broadcast dialogue unsubbed. This has been fixed now, thanks to Yume.

8. Episode 1 & 2: Bit of an interesting one, this is in regards to the episode title for Ep. 2.
Previously, it was "The Dog Barks, the Mecha (Monster) Roars!"—the kanji for "Kaiju" (Monster) is written in the episode title but it was decided by Sunrise to refer to the "Kaiju" kanji as "Mecha" instead, as indicated in by the katakana right above the kanji. As such, since "Monster" isn't actually verbally said out loud—even during the narration for Ep. 1's next episode preview. I've taken out "Monster" from Ep. 2's title as a result.

9. Episode 4: When the doctors slip in the beginning, they yell out a word that's typically used as written SFX in manga whenever a character falls down (much like how Kiwi yelled out "Doki!" in Episode 3)—I had previously left this line unsubbed. Technically it still worked the way it did before but I decided to sub it this time out of the sake of consistency's sake.

10. Episode 5: Inconsistency with Dothan's name. Was written as "Dou" (Dothan's name in Japanese sounds almost similar to "Dou-san", hence the mix-up)

11. Episode 7: One of the ED lyrics was mistimed and fucked up the positioning of the fansub credits as a result. Dunno how this slipped past by me but this is fixed now.

12. Fixed inconsistency with Lord Grash's name (was named "Crash" in one episode)

13. Episode 8: there's a scene where Doctor Kiwi fools around with the mic and begins to sing...turns out he was (horribly) singing the lyrics to the ED all this time!! Shocked this flew past by me, but this has now been fixed.


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