Bobby ni Kubittake (1985)
Fansub credits can be found in the link above.

So, a lot of you might be shocked at the fact that I went and released this...especially given my recent comments on the anime that I had posted onto Twitter.

"Marty, I thought you hated this anime? Why did you work on it?"

GOOD QUESTION! Long story short, I didn't know about the anime's quality until after I watched it. But I'll gladly explain below anyways how this entire project came to be:

Bobby ni Kubittake, or as I like to call it, Bobby's Down Bad (yes, this translation actually works—not sure where Bobby's Girl came from anyways), was one of many 80s anime titles that had been on my watchlist for quite some time now. Several years now! Naturally, because I get distracted easily (and because I have too many projects to work on), I had not yet found the time to actually sit down and watch it.

Fast forward to a couple months ago. I get a few DMs from Tanks, with a new project proposal:
A new fansub version of this anime.

I thought it was just gonna be a simple matter of transferring the old subs onto a newer release, but nope. Was more than that. As it turns out...the old (and existing) English fansub needed a lot of improvements? Or so I've been told. I still haven't seen it, but according to Windii (who helped re-translate the whole thing for this release), several of Bobby's internal monologues had lines that were borked, and one additional line that's not in the book was translated incorrectly on said old release and somehow managed to make it onto every release that followed—even the Italian & Russian ones!

Based off short clips and screenshots I saw, nothing was wrong with the typesetting on the old release, but Windii also wanted to use this opportunity to cook up new typesetting for the anime. I think it looks better IMO!

Anyways, with that being said—I'm a sucker for releasing new versions of anime depending on what it is, so I said "Yes" to Tanks' proposal. Once Windii finished the re-translation I got the chance to finally watch this for the first time...

Never had I been so disappointed in my life. I already complained about this before so I'm not gonna repeat it again. But anyways, I made my final edits on the anime and was ready to submit it for release, when suddenly...

A change of the main source occurs. Originally the plan was to use a Domesday-capped version of the JP LD but we decided to go with the Taiwanese DVD release since, upon closer inspection, was slightly better than the LD/VHS. I don't know the video mumbo jumbo behind this so go bug Tanks if you want to know.

Unfortunately, since it was decided to use the DVD instead...that meant I had to re-watch the whole anime for a SECOND time. Can you believe it?! So much suffering...

That's really it. As I've said elsewhere, check this out if you're a sakuga fan, but otherwise I wouldn't expect much from this anime. Despite my comments, I can assuredly promise you though that this release is not half-assed. Far from it.


  1. Don't listen to the guy who subbed this (lol, nerd) this anime is actually pretty awesome... It may be slow paced, specially considering it's only 44mins long, but feels natural and fresh, and has some artsy and charming animation.

    Anyway, thanks to the guy who subbed this, even tho he's factually wrong

  2. Another vote here for this being a really nice short anime. Thanks for (re)subbing this even if you didn't like it!

  3. This actually most adorable anime i ever watch. Kind of pre-To All the boys i loved before .thingy


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