TWD Express - Rolling Takeoff (1987)
Fansub credits can be found in the link above.

This is an English-fansubbed version of TWD Express, an anime adaptation of a manga by Yuki Hijiri that was screened in theaters alongside "MAPS". "TWD Express" is a transportation company (managed by Ken, Duke, and Ivan) that specializes in delivering goods from one planet to another, but unfortunately the trio are usually poor due to their inability to complete the dangerous jobs they receive. However, things change when they rescue a girl on the run from a mysterious entity...

Orphan Fansubs' LD raw was used for this release—apparently Shochiku did an awful job at mastering this for Laserdisc, so as a result the quality here is kind of wonky. Sorry!
Despite that, I think it's still tolerable enough and shouldn't deter your enjoyment of this anime. Enjoy!

(SEPT 2023 UPDATE: I've replaced the Nyaa link with a v2 of this fansub. This version uses a Domesday-captured raw provided by wowmd & blindrezo, and also introduces minor changes/fixes to the subs as well.)


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